Group 180 is our College & Career Ministry. Those that are Highschool grads up to the age of 25 are welcome to attend every Wednesday night as we talk about relevant topics related to this age group. If you are struggling with finding God’s purpose for your life, whether it be in college or starting a new career we invite you to attend and hear what God has to say about your life and what your purpose is in Him.
Right now in our country, there is an overwhelming push by the enemy of our souls to strip our young people of their God-given identity and replace it with the popular one. The popular culture of the day desires everything good and pleasurable but condemns anything that counters it. This can be confusing for our young adults who may not have strong leadership in their lives as a result of the current atmosphere. Group 180 is a calling, a calling to provide, under the obedience of the Holy Spirit, a place where young people can be what God has created them to be in spirit and truth. It is a place where the hard questions can be asked no matter how uncomfortable. We look forward to what God has in store for this age group and this class. Check out our app for announcements and upcoming 180 events.